[CPS-users] CPS 3.4.8 is out
Florent Guillaume
2009-03-10 23:13:17 UTC
Congrats George, and thanks for keeping the CPS platform alive and

This is a maintenance release, thus containing only bug fixes and
fully compatible improvements.
This release is based on the feedback from the Nuxeo support
customers and the feedback from the contributors.
Although each product has experienced mostly bug fixes, 3 new
products have been included in
the "CPS-3-full" bundle.
- CPSComment.
Allow users to put comments on documents. This has been
available for years, but wasn't in the bundle.
- CPSTramline.
Integration of Infrae tramline. Allows to upload and serve
really big files by intercepting them
in an Apache frontend.
- CPSFileMailer.
Allow users to send content to anyone by email (through
special temporary links).
This is especially useful in conjunction with CPSTramline
Being the author of the two latter packages, I'm especially glad to
make this announcement.
Florent Guillaume, Head of R&D, Nuxeo
Open Source, Java EE based, Enterprise Content Management (ECM)
http://www.nuxeo.com http://www.nuxeo.org +33 1 40 33 79 87
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